The Hard Facts on Soft Drinks
Fact #1
Researchers have discovered that drinking more than 5 servings of sugar sweetened cola a week prior to pregnancy appears to significantly elevate the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. No significant association was found with other sugar sweetened beverages or diet beverages.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common pregnancy complications. Women with GDM are at increased risk for complications and illness during pregnancy and delivery, as well as post-pregnancy type 2 diabetes. Children of mothers with GDM are at increased risk for obesity, glucose intolerance, and early onset diabetes.
Source: Prospective Study of Pre-Gravid Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and the Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Dr Dekel comment: “Soft drinks” should not be consumed by humans. They contain sulphuric acid, that literally “melt” your bones. Those that contain artificial sweeteners contribute to brain and nerve dysfunction and actually will make you gain weight.
Fact #2
This turns the question, “Do I look fat in these jeans”, on its head.
A diet that is high in both fat and sugar actually switches on genes that ultimately cause our bodies to store too much fat.
Researchers show that foods high in fat and sugar stimulate a known opioid receptor, called the kappa opioid receptor, which plays a role in fat metabolism. When this receptor is stimulated, it causes our bodies to hold on to fat far more than our bodies would do otherwise.
Sources: -Opioid receptors control the metabolic response to a high-energy diet in mice
Fact #3
Our moms have repeatedly told us when we were youngsters to always eat our green veggies. But according to recent research, certain compounds found in the tasty plants can help prevent liver cancer.
Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, two water soluble green compounds found naturally occurring in most plants, may reduce the bioavailability of some known liver cancer causing toxins.
Source: Effects of Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllin on Low-Dose Aflatoxin B1 Pharmacokinetics in Human Volunteers
Fact #4
Researchers have discovered that a natural antioxidant called thiocyanate, which is found in certain vegetables including broccoli and cauliflower, might treat and even prevent chronic health problems. It appears thiocyanate protects cells from damage generated during the body’s inflammatory response to infection and injury.
1. The antioxidant role of thiocyanate in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis and other inflammation-related diseases
2. Penn Study Finds that Antioxidant Found in Vegetables has Implications for Treating Cystic Fibrosis News Release
Dr. Dekel’s comment: we can definitely say that eating a Broccoli and cauliflower a day will keep the doctor away 🙂