Remedies For Tinnitus

In Latin, tinnire means “to ring”. Tinnitus is the medical term for “ringing in the ears,”. It is the perception of ringing, hissing, or other sound in the ears when no external sound is present. It affects 1 in 5 of the World’s population, and touches over 33% of the elderly community. It may be intermittent or constant in character, mild or severe in intensity, vary from a low roar or throbbing to a high-pitch sound so deafening the individual may hear nothing else. It may be subjective -audible only to the patient or may be objective which is audible to others. It may or may not be associated with a hearing impairment. Tinnitus isn’t a disease. It’s a symptom that can be caused by a number of medical conditions.

What are the causes of Tinnitus ?

Cause of tinnitus #1: Most tinnitus comes from damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear.

Cause of tinnitus #2: Hearing loss. Doctors and scientists have discovered that people with different kinds of hearing loss also have tinnitus. Too much exposure to loud noise can cause tinnitus.

Cause of tinnitus #3: Long-term use of certain medications. Aspirin used in large doses, quinine, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can affect inner ear cells. Trauma-related damage to your inner ear.

Cause of tinnitus #4: Temporomandibular joint problems. These are “jaw joint” disorders, and they may result in clicking or grating noises when you move the jaw.

Cause of tinnitus #5: Stiffening of the bones in the middle ear.

Cause of tinnitus #6: A hole in or a rupture of the eardrum.

Cause of tinnitus #7: Ear infection. If an infection reduces your ability to hear outside noises, you’re more likely to hear the noises related to tinnitus.

Cause of tinnitus #8: Ear wax. Buildup of excess wax in your ear can reduce your ability to hear or inflammation of the eardrum membrane, the middle ear, or the inner ear.

Cause of tinnitus #9: Allergies, tumors, and problems in the heart and blood vessels, jaws, and neck can cause tinnitus. High blood cholesterol clogs arteries that supply oxygen to the nerves of the inner ear. If you are older, advancing age is generally accompanied by a certain amount of hearing nerve impairment and tinnitus.

Cause of tinnitus #10: Diet can affect tinnitus. Specific foods may trigger tinnitus. Foods include red wine, grain-based spirits, cheese, and chocolate quinine/tonic water, high fat, high sodium can all make tinnitus worse in some people.

Cause of tinnitus #11: Stress is not a direct cause of tinnitus, but it will generally make an already existing case worse. Ringing in the ears also sometimes accompanies vertigo (dizziness).

Cause of tinnitus #12: Maskers are small electronic devices that use sound to make tinnitus less noticeable. Maskers do not make tinnitus go away, but they make the ringing or roaring seem softer.

Alternative treatments:
Some people have taken minerals such as magnesium or zinc, herbal preparations such as Ginkgo biloba, homeopathic remedies, or B vitamins for their tinnitus and found them to be helpful. Others have experienced tinnitus relief with acupuncture, sacral therapy, magnets, hyperbaric oxygen, or hypnosis.

Home Remedies for Tinnitus and Ringing in the ears

Home remedies for Tinnitus #1: Take 300 mg. a day of Coenzyme Q10 This powerful antioxidant is crucial in the effectiveness of the immune system and the circulation to the ears.

Home remedies for Tinnitus #2: Bayberry bark, burdock root, goldenseal, hawthorn leaf and flower and myrrh gum purify the blood and counter act infection.

Home remedies for Tinnitus #3: Ginkgo biloba helps to reduce dizziness and improve hearing loss related to reduce blood flow to the ears.

Home remedies for Tinnitus #4: Eat fresh pineapple frequently to reduce inflammation.

Home remedies for Tinnitus #5: Include in your diet plenty of garlic, kelp and sea vegetable.

Home remedies for Tinnitus #6: For ringing in the ears, mix 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of glycerin in 1 pint of warm water. Use a nasal spray bottle to spray each nostril with the solution until it begins to drain into the back of the throat. Spray the throat with the mixture as well. Do this three times a day.

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